Greenland Group's global Chairman and President, Yuliang Zhang, visited the UK and the company's flagship UK development Ram Quarter earlier this week. Ram Quarter is the site of the UK's oldest continuously-operating brewery. The development was the first residential project to be completed in the UK by a Chinese developer. Now a thriving community with many hundreds of residents, the refurbished listed buildings and the development's many new buildings are a hub for the local town centre.
During the tour Yuliang Zhang tasted some of the beer brewed at Ram Quarter, and visited the development's three-storey Heritage Centre which displays many of the historical items relating to the site. The Mayor of Wandsworth Juliana Annan also attended the visit at Ram Quarter, and gave a speech in which she noted the important contribution that Greenland and Ram Quarter make to the local community. She noted that Ram Quarter has won many awards, including a Design Award from the Council itself. She also commented that the bars and restaurants and other businesses at Ram Quarter have created new employment within the borough, and have helped revive the town centre. And she added that the new riverwalk and bridge across the River Wandle have created spaces for local people to visit and enjoy. Ram Quarter exemplifies Greenland's goal of integrating local history and culture with urban renewal.
A representative of Greenland mentioned other recent news. A report commissioned by the Council, published earlier this month, summarised 28 points contributed by people in the local area. All points apart from one were suggestions for change or improvement in Wandsworth Town. However the first point stated simply: "People like Ram Quarter." Wandsworth is the first borough to have delivered a Night Time Strategy report since the GLA recommended that all boroughs produce one.
Yuliang Zhang said: "Greenland Group has strong connections with the UK through our work here. We are happy that the Ram Quarter development has been so well-received locally, and we look forward to building on this in the future."
The Chairman also held other meetings during his visit to the UK, and Greenland UK will continue its work at Ram Quarter with more events and activities planned for the coming year.